Are you lacking motivation to pursue your goals?

conversation about your

Are you lacking motivation to pursue your goals?

conversation about your

We hope this free 10-minute video empowers you to break free from the chains of stagnation.

We hope this free 10-minute video empowers you to break free from the chains of stagnation!

Click above for free gift

We understand that life can throw unexpected challenges our way,

leaving us feeling stuck and unsure of how to move forward.

Whether it’s a personal or professional setback, feeling trapped in a routine, or lacking the motivation and tools to pursue your goals, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Let’s get to know one another…

Join our community of conscious entrepreneurs, holistic healers, and innovative leaders who share a common vision and support each other. BECOMING is our GWC membership that includes a monthly community virtual gathering led by Yadi, Anita, Yvonna and Cora.

Life is going to take us on a journey, the ups downs, deaths and rebirths, ebbs and flows. Why not make the most of it? Join The Rebirth as we learn how to take what life gives us and turn it into greatness.

Work With Us

This dynamic group of
WOMEN have dedicated their lives to remembering the wisdom of their ancestors and applying it to modern day experiences.

Our free gift to you

As guides, channels, coaches, entrepreneurs and business professionals, ANITA, CORA, YADI and YVONNA have transformed the lives of hundreds of people.

Our monthly call group

Through meticulously loving and healing the mind, body and soul of each client, the GODDESS WISDOM COUNCIL has pooled together various forms of healing modalities into a curated experience for people ready and willing to transform their lives!

Come join the GWC and WITNESS your own rebirth

The BECOMING monthly is a growing collective of like-minded individuals committed to their own
GROWTH and the ELEVATION of the world. ​


COMMUNITY is as essential to our Soul as food and water are to our body.

If you are feeling disconnected and unmotivated, you are not ALONE. Come join the GWC and WITNESS your own rebirth.

GWC Team

Anita, Yadi, Yvonna & Cora

Client Testimonials

Some love words from clients

"After this retreat, the word that describes me best is Goddess. I'm clear. That is who I am. Who I have aways been."




“The time spent was sacred. The love received was unconditional. The support provided was vast. The attention to detail throughout each session was beautiful. The kindness of the wisdom council was spiritually felt.”




"I have new sisters supporting me day by day and I have new insights of who I am and a connection with myself and the universe at the same time. I learned to trust my instincts and be true to myself."




"As a result of the time spent with incredible women, I am now so in love with myself and so aligned in my purpose like never before. I feel like I've gained mothers, sisters, and best friends all at once. I'm overflowing with the abundance of love from this experience and every moment since then I have walked in spirit with these women I now call home."




Connect with us to learn more about this

fun and transformative community!

Email us by clicking below

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Created by The Untethered Minimalist